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Developing Strategic Reading in Higher Education-Autumn session

Enrollment is Closed

About This Course

Reading large amounts of text is among the challenges that face non-English-speaking higher education teachers. To read and process large amounts of text, they need to utilize a range of well-practised reading strategies. Developing strategic reading is becoming a key success for effective and efficient reading.
This MOOC- a strategy-based instruction course- aims to develop strategic reading among Algerian university teachers. Through its basic contents, the participant will more likely be familiar with the various reading strategies such as making inferences, drawing on background knowledge, and evaluating the information being read. Instead of reading randomly and unsystematically, this MOOC focuses on what kind of strategy or strategies the reader needs to manipulate at each stage of the reading process such as previewing, predicting, skimming, scanning, identifying main ideas, getting the meaning of unfamiliar words, reading between the lines, reading, and note-taking, note-making, etc. The pedagogic benefits of this MOOC are numerous and profitable for any academic. While it helps many of you to become effective and systematic readers, it enhances other reading skills that could be targeted at a more advanced level implying by then the development of critical reading skills.
This MOOC, also, supplies its users with an active reading method known as “the SQ4R system”. The design of this reading method turns reading into an engaged activity meant where the reader manipulates at a while systematically a set number of reading strategies when reading texts.


By the end of the MOOC, Algerian Higher-education teachers will be able to:
DIFFERENTIATE between the three types of reading including reading for quick reference, reading for pleasure, and critical reading.
DETERMINE the purpose of their reading before they start to read.
LEARN how to manipulate basic reading comprehension strategies before they start to read, while they are reading, and after they complete their reading.
USE their background knowledge.
IDENTIFY the meaning of unfamiliar words in context.
RESPOND in a written form to their reading experiences
EVALUATE the author's point of view.

Course Staff

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Prof. Nadia Idri, University of Abderrahmane Mira , Bejaia, Algeria.

A full professor with 18 years of teaching experience , and a project manager at 3ENL+, English Teaching MOOC Design and Delivery for Higher Education Instructors at the Ministry of Higher education and Scientific research, Algeria. Nadia is also the project manager of Teaching English at Bejaia University for University teachers. She has been working to develop EMP-Bejaia (English for Medical Purposes) in the Faculty of Medicine at Bejaia University since 2021. Nadia has been working as a translator of all types of documents (Arabic-French-English) in the Sub-Directorate of University and Research Partnership, Ministry of higher education and scientific research, Algeria and in charge of the translation bureau (Arabic/English) in the Global Institute of Arabic Renewal, Spain. She has many publications nationally and internationally (more than 60) and a rich contribution to many national and international conferences. In her university, she has been an active participant in most pedagogic and scientific tasks like teacher development and evaluation, doctoral training and mentoring, PRFU projects; conference chairing, a member of the quality assurance cell of the university, a member the Council of ethics and deontology of the University profession, a member of the “cellule d’accompagnement de sensibilisation, d’appui et de médiation » (CASAM), the founder and editor-in-chief of the“Journal of Studies in Language, Culture and society (JSLCS).

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Dr. Radia BOUGUEBS, ENS- Assia Djebbar, Constantine, Algeria.

An Associate Professor at the ENS of Constantine, Algeria. Her research interests focus on initial English language teacher education, drawing on teaching English for general purposes/ teaching English for Specific Purposes theory, teacher profile, classroom activities, etc. She has undertaken research on teacher education, innovative teaching approaches, developing language skills, language learning policies, and the use of ICTs in foreign language learning and teaching, Integrating Multimodal pedagogy in EFL classrooms. Her works have been published in national and international journals. Radia participated in many national and international conferences. She is an associate editor in different journals including the “ALTRALANG” journal, “JSLCS” journal, “FORUM des Enseignants” journal.

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Dr. Abderrazek Ghafsi, University of M'sila, M'sila, Algeria.

Abderrezzaq Ghafsi is an Associate Professor of English at Mohamed Boudiaf University of M'sila, Algeria. Abderrezzaq previously taught at Anglia Ruskin and Cambridge universities, UK. He teachers across the BA and on the department's MA English. His research relates to Dickens in Algeria and the Arab world, including the globalisation of Dickens in Arabia and the Muslim world, and the reception, historical circulation, and influence of Dickens on Arabic and Islamic literatures and cultures. He participated in many local and international conferences such as in England, Germany and Turkey. Abderrezzaq's latest monograph is Algerian languages in Education published by Palsgrave McMillan..

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Prof. Souryana Yassine; University of Mouloud Mammeri, Tizi Ouzou, Algeria.

Full professor of English. She holds a Doctorate Degree in Language Sciences jointly prepared at Mouloud Mammeri University, Algeria, and the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. She has many international and national publications and her research interests include English Language Teaching, English for Specific Purposes, Intercultural Communication, Textbook Evaluation, Applied Linguistics, Social Semiotics, and Multimodality. She has taken part in many research projects and is currently heading a PRFU on “Online teaching /learning Platforms, Virtual Spaces and EFL”. She has also taken many pedagogic responsibility positions in Masters and PhD programmes both at the University of Tizi Ouzou and the University of Algiers 2. She teaches many subjects ranging from language skills to content courses such as Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, ELT, Social Semiotics and Multimodality.

Instructional designers

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Dr. Ahmed BELHANI, Constantine 1 University , Algeria.

Dr. Ahmed Belhani is a senior associate professor in automation at the University of Constantine1 since 2004. In 2007, he was qualified as an e-learning specialist within the framework of the Algero-Swiss COSELEARN project. In 2012, in parallel with his specialized university course, He obtained his professional Master's degree in educational technologies from the University of Cergy Pontoise, for the qualification «Pedagogical engineer". In 2018, he became a professional in the design of MOOCs, following training with MIT. Dr. Ahmed BELHANI is the designer of the "ICT and teaching practices" training system launched in 2012 for the benefit of University Constantine 1’s teachers and which has been expanded for the training of partner establishments in the Maghreb and Europe, as part of the Tempus EUMILL project. From 2014-2016, the training was extended to the community of teachers from different national universities. In September 2022, Dr. Ahmed BELHANI was nominated as the president of the national commission for distance education.

Audiovisual Staff

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Ahmed-Chawki Chaouche, Constantine 2 University , Algeria.

Ahmed-Chawki Chaouche has received his PhD in computer science from Sorbonne university (France) in 2015. Currently, he is an associate professor (HDR) and responsible of MOOC cell at university of Constantine 2 – Abdelhamid Mehri. He is also a permanent researcher and an accredited research director at MISC laboratory.

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Abdelhalim Ghanem, Abderrahman Mira University of Béjaia , Algeria.

Abdelhalim Ghanem is a journalist graduated from Algiers’s University in 2005. After Abdelhalim attained his BA in Information Sciences and Telecommunications, he was designated at Abderrahman Mira University of Béjaia in 2009 to be in charge of the audio-visual section as well as the WebTV of the University. Abdelhalim’s tasks are many including the creation and delivery of the audio-visual content,conducting audio-visual reports and advertisements about the university, assisting and monitoring lecturers when delivering online lessons and Moocs, covering audio-visually the cultural, scientific, and sport events taking place at the university, defining the referencing policy for the optimization of visibility; sharing content uch as videos, photos, texts, and so forth on social media networks (Facebook page, Youtube channel, Instagram account of the webtv of the University of Béjaia).

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Zahia Benouaret, Abderrahman Mira University of Béjaia , Algeria.

Zahia Benouaret is a journalist who helds a BA in Information Sciences and Telecommunications from Algiers’s University in 2008. Zahia was appointed at the audio-visual section of Abderrahman Mira University of Béjaia in 2009. Working for the WebTV, Zahia is responsible of the creation and delivery of the audio-visual content related to the university, helping teachers with their online lectures and Moocs, covering all events taking place at the university audio-visually, developing the communication and media strategy for the service, and finally sharing content such as videos, texts and photos in the social media platforms of the university such as Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

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Course Summary

  1. Course Number

  2. Classes Start

  3. Classes End

  4. Estimated Effort
